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All parts of the UK Christian Web network sites including, but not limited to, UK Christian Web Hub | UK Christian Bookshop | Christian Jobs and voluntary work
UK & World Wide Christian Website Links Directory | Christian E-cards
are provided for you to use entirely at your own risk. You should in all cases read and adhere to the terms and conditions for any part of the site(s) as you use them (they can differ). Note that we are not responsible and do not have full control over the content of some parts of the site and network in particular where third parties avertise or link or automated content is included such as newsfeeds and other content. A link anywhere on the UK Christian Web network of sites does not mean that we automatically agree with the doctrinal teaching / religious grounding of the linked site.


While we try to safeguard your information on the UK Christian Web network, by using UK Christian Web network sites you accept that we cannot guarantee one hundred percent to keep your information from unforseen circumstances. We do not knowingly send out any information to third parties other than that specifically required for the services on each site within the network - such as cookies and information used in context for sessions or logging in and keeping track of orders etc. Please see our privacy policy for further information.


UKCW reserves the right choose and change the content that is published on any site on the network at any time and without warning.


External Links and Links Website

UK Christian Web network is not responsible for the content of any site linked to from a UK Christian Web network site. A link to other web site does not mean that UK Christian Web network agrees with the doctrinal teaching / religious grounding of that site. Please remember at all times to use your discernment when viewing web pages. You use the service at your own risk whether viewing links or adding / editing content with a user account. Please note that the links database uses cookies to enhance your experience on the site and in relation to your member account and for login.


UK Christian Bookstore

The shop is linked from this site in partnership with Amazon. Any complaints or enquiries regarding the shop or an order you have placed should be directed towards Amazon. Contact information will be available either in your order confirmation from Amazon or on the Amazon website. Please be sure to read the terms and conditions of sale with Amazon, which are available on the Amazon website along with other information about payments and invoicing and the privacy policy and cookies for the data collected by Amazon. Please note that you use the service at your own risk. UK Christian Web network cannot be held responsible for any losses arising from using these services.


Forums and Discussion

The posts and views expressed on forums in the network are entirely the views of the individual poster. Any post made in the forums does not mean that UK Christian Web network agrees with the doctrinal teaching / religious grounding of the post, links or any media. You use the forums at your own risk. Please see the forums rules and guidelines and registration agreement for further information. Please remember at all times to use your discernment when viewing web pages. The forums use cookies to enhance member experience, for login and tracking sessions on the forums. Please see the forums part of the network for more information.


UK Christian Jobs

Any information posted to the Christian Jobs site is at your own risk. Please see the jobs site for further information. The UK Christian Jobs site use cookies to enhance member experience and for login and tracking sessions.


UK Christian Ecards

Any information posted to the Christian Ecard site is at your own risk. UK Christian Web network cannot guarantee that your Ecard will be delivered by email. One of the most common causes of delivery failure is incorrectly entered email addresses. Please check you are using the correct email address and that it is entered correctly. The UK Christian Ecard site use cookies to enhance member experience and for login and tracking sessions.


Up Time

UK Christian Web network seeks to provide continuous services across all sites if at all possible. We do not guarantee one hundred percent up-time. Occasionally situations beyond our control can result in temporary loss of service on one or more of the sites on the network. We seek to fix these as soon as possible and thank you for your patience.


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