Christian Dating in the UK
In the past, Christian dating via the internet and websites for online Christian dating had been viewed quite negatively. However, over time, there has been a massive shift as people have realised that their potential partner may not be in the local area. Before the internet existed, your local community would probably have been your first thought and best chance meet someone.
Today, things are very different. More networking events and the explosion of the internet’s reach, means Christian dating opportunities have moved on. Much of the stigma assoicated with trying to find someone ‘online’ has faded. It has been replaced by a fresh optimism and hope in finding ‘the one’ – or even just a great new friend or group of friends. All that said, we wholeheartedly endorse surfing safety first when venturing into online friendship, fellowship and dating.
Links to some well-known UK Christian Dating and Singles websites
If you know of a website that should be included in this list, please let us know.
Christian – UK Christian Dating UK Christian Dating: Meet fun Christian Singles from all across the United Kingdom! Experience UK Christian dating at | Christian Connection Christian Connection is a multi-award-winning dating site, dedicated to matching single Christians in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, United States, Canada, Singapore, Hong Kong, and New Zealand. |
Christian Dating Company Welcome to Christian Dating Company! - A dating agency for single Christians in the UK | Christian Dating for Free Christian Dating For Free, CDFF, is the largest and best free Christian dating site for Christian singles in the world. |
Christian free and single ChristianFreeAndSingle is a dating site specifically for UK singles of Christian faith looking for meaningful friendships and relationships. | Christian Friendship Fellowship Provides a specialised ministry and outreach to Christian singles and those otherwise on their own in the United Kingdom. |
Christian Mingle Christian Mingle is the leading Christian dating site for single men and women looking for a God-centered relationship. What sets us apart is our ability to help our members make quality connections. | Free Christian Dating UK (Fusion101) Welcome to Britain's best known & most popular always 100% FREE Christian OWNED & RUN UK dating service for real single Christians! |
Friends First (offline Christian singles) The UK's largest off-line Christian singles community. |
Online friendships, churches, networks and communities
The internet has enabled a level of church related relationships and meetings during Covid in 2020/21. This has generated for many churches the need to embrace technology more quickly than planned. For example, setting up Zoom meetings, video conferences and live streaming of church services. However, we at Christian Web, as ironic as it may be (since we’re only available online), would always endorse the benefit of safe, real-life face-to-face interaction whenever and wherever possible.
God is a relational God, and we are made in His image, so we too are relational beings at our core. The internet can only go so far. That is why we see ourselves as just a ‘launch-pad’, not a solution!
If you don’t have a church nearby, or there’s no-one that you can relate to in your local area, then the internet can be a real help. This can either be in finding somewhere to go, or to meet others online for fellowship, or like-minded people with mutual interests.
Websites focussed on Christian forums, fellowship, friendship, community, networking
Below we have started to gather some links to various websites that offer mainly UK focussed fellowship, networking and discussion. These include Christian forums, friendship and community.
Christian Faith and Fellowship Forum Welcome to 1faith - the forum with a vision! | Saved by Grace Christian Forums Small Christian discussion forum. |
Bible Forums BibleForums Christian Message Board. | Christian Chat Christian chat rooms & forums for live international fellowship focused on sharing God's love. |
Christian Forums .com Christian forum website with millions of posts and a large number of individual forum categories. | Christian Forums .net At Christian Forums, we encourage Christain fellowship with sound biblical teachings. We value where our members are with their walk in Christ and promote unity by speaking truth in love. John... |
Christianity Forums Welcome to Christian Forums, a Christian Forum that recognizes that all Christians are a work in progress. | Grace Centered Forums Christian Forums and Message Board |
Worthy Christian Forums Worthy Christian Forums is a non-denominational Christian Forum community with over 60,000 members, 150,000 topics, and over 2,000,000 posts. |
This page is by no means exhaustive, and will be added to over time. You can suggest a link for consideration to be added to this page here.