Christian media and news, TV, radio and advocacy – Christian influence in a secular world

Here you will find links to the major Christian TV stations and radio stations in the UK as well as some other useful links covering Christian media and news.

You may not think it, but Christians are a minority group in terms of their voice in society. The country may claim to be over 50% Christian, but this depends, of course, on your understanding of what a Christian is.

None-the-less, active Christians are passionate about many areas of life including the secular media and Christian media and news. Some great work in these areas is continuing through many Christian rooted charities and organisations. The Christian voice may be heavily overshadowed by the secular world, but it still very much alive. Christianity continues to make a huge difference – not just with words – but through positive actions, both here in the UK and far beyond.

Opportunities to make yourself heard and make a difference with Christian media and news

This page has several purposes. We hope it might help to point you in the right direction to become more informed about what’s going on in the secular media, and Christian media and news.

Perhaps you want to make your voice heard regards the media and media reporting. Or perhaps you want to find out more about the advocacy that Christians are already involved with, but don’t know where to start.

People consume a lot of their information via the often selective and negatively distorted ‘mainstream’ media. We have included a list of places where you can make your voice heard and complain about the general secular media using media regulators.

For the latest Christian media and news information, you can also visit our UK Christian News page for the latest news feeds.

We are aware this is just a starting point and there are many, many other Christian organisations who could be listed on this page. If you have a suggestion for a link we can add, please let us know the details.

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Links to broadcasting standards in secular and Christian media and news

Below are links to a few general (not all Christian) broadcasting standards and governing bodies should you ever need or want to make your voice heard about something to do with Christian media and news:


  • The Christian Broadcasting Council
    The Christian Broadcasting Council is a Christian organisation which encourages the proclamation of the gospel through the electronic media.


  • The Advertising Standards Authority
    The ASA is here to make sure all advertising, wherever it appears, meets the high standards laid down in the advertising codes.
  • Ofcom
    Ofcom is the independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries, with responsibilities across television, radio, telecommunications and wireless communications services.
  • Press Complaints Commision
    The Press Complaints Commission is an independent body which deals with complaints from members of the public about the editorial content of newspapers and magazines.
  • Broadcasting Standards Commission
  • BBC complaints department
  • Media Watch UK
    ‘Mediawatch-uk actively campaigns for socially responsible broadcasting and against content that is offensive and harmful, for example violence, swearing and pornography.’


Christian TV


Have we missed something?

If you know of another website which would be appropriate for this section, please contact us with details.

Header photo by Jonathan Velasquez on Unsplash