UK Christian Fellowship and Dating

Keeping Safe Online

Keeping Safe Online

The internet can be a great way to make new friends, but it is wise to be very careful and take...


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Dating & relationship advice, Articles on singleness, marriage and happiness from Christian Connection - the award-winning dating site for single Christians.

In Romans 12 verse 10, the Bible says, “Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves”. Paul was talking to the church in Rome, but this also applies to us as Christians, and I believe can also be applied to dating relationships. The word ‘honour’ means to hold in high respect, or with great esteem. It might sound like something we reserve only for God (whom we should of course, honour), our parents or spiritual leaders. But we can see from Paul’s letter that it is meant for the rest of us as well. So, how do we show honour in dating?
Author: Urenna Kiwanuka
Posted: July 26, 2024, 5:00 am
Trust is a very important issue in all of life, and that’s especially true in the online dating world. We message and arrange dates with people we’ve never met, we show up and spend time with a stranger and have to decide how things will develop from there. We have to be wise, savvy and make sure we are safe, and we need to know if we can or can’t trust someone for the long term. Dating is about opening up, telling people about yourself, being vulnerable - we can only do that if we truly trust someone, otherwise we will be guarded, have a barrier up and the dates will grind to a halt. But we also need to balance our boundaries and sensible self-protection. So how we can take those first impressions of someone new and grow trust while dating?
Author: Hannah Grace
Posted: July 19, 2024, 5:00 am
Before Leesa and Leigh met on Christian Connection they shared similar stories – both had been married before, both had children and both felt prompted by God to join just when they did. Following God’s lead, Leesa joined just in time to meet before Leigh’s subscription ended. That connection led to an unexpected declaration of love in a fast food restaurant, a wedding surrounded by family and friends and exciting plans for the future.
Author: Christian Connection
Posted: July 12, 2024, 5:00 am
When it comes to romantic attraction and finding our match, we all have our preferences, ranging from height to hair colour and from career to relationship history. But these dating preferences can shrink our dating pool, and they may keep us single. Is it time to broaden our dating horizons?
Author: Katherine Baldwin
Posted: July 5, 2024, 5:00 am
Going from a simple online ‘like’ to a long-distance relationship and a marriage is no small feat! When Victoria first noticed James on Christian Connection, she knew what she was looking for and what she wanted her dating profile to say about her. Before starting her search, she was certain of one thing: “I decided that I was going to be intentional and join a Christian dating website.” She knew of Christian Connection and thought, “Let me give it a try. What have I got to lose?” She had picked the perfect moment to connect with James, though she didn’t know that when she joined. James had been a Christian Connection member for some time: “My journey was a bit longer… On and off. In fact, when I was coming towards the end of using it. That’s when Victoria and I met...”
Author: Christian Connection
Posted: June 28, 2024, 5:00 am
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